​How We Help

  • New Diagnosis. What Do I Do? Where Do I Go? (right here!!)

  • IFSP/IEP Clarification 

  • Advocacy

  • Support from other families. You are NOT alone!

  • How Can I Get ADDITIONAL Services?

  • Behavioral Support

  • Inclusive Events and Activities

​​A Little Bit About Myself

Since the day my twin boys were diagnosed with autism I have made it my priority to learn everything I could about the diagnosis. From play therapy to feeding therapy, from doctors visits to mega meltdowns- we've been there. My boys have become the sole inspiration behind the Goofy Gators and we want to guide our fellow friends with autism on a successful journey. We are here to help!

Mission & Vision

To support and enhance the confidence and social skills of children with autism and  other special needs; also to provide relief and support for the families we service.